Water bills for this quarter have been delayed due to technical issues. Normal payment terms will apply once the bills are issued.We apologise for this inconvenience. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Rates are our primary source of income and help us provide a diverse range of services and facilities that make the Port Macquarie Hastings an enjoyable place to live, work and play. We collect rates so we can provide and maintain services and facilities for our community.
Receive your notices online You can choose to receive your rates or water notice via email by signing up to eNotices online. All you have to do is sign up - and your rates will land right in your email inbox. By taking this step, you will be: • saving paper and helping to reduce our organisation’s carbon footprint • reducing Council costs - which means more money for other important things • receiving your rates by in a faster and more reliable way. Everything is saved electronically, so all your rates and water notices are listed in one easily accessible place. It only takes two minutes to sign up. Make sure you have your e-reference number with you when you sign up and login (this is found under the total on your rates notice).
Login or Signup
Provide your original or notarised copy of your Marriage Certificate or change by Deed Poll.
Note: You will need to contact the NSW Land Registry Services separately to change your details on their records. For more information visit the NSW Land Registry Services website or call 1300 052 637 or email generalenquiry@nswlrs.com.au.
If you are the property owner, you will need to complete our update customer details form.
If you are renting the property, a managing agent can send us a signed contract or authorisation from you stating the change of address details by either post or email to council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au.
Note: We cannot accept change of address notifications over the phone.
If you are a pensioner and you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible to receive concessions on your rates:
Complete an application for pensioner concession(PDF, 245KB) and return to council by visiting one of our Customer Service Centres or emailing to council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au.
If you are a war widow or widower, you will need to complete the war widow/widower concession attachment form(PDF, 251KB) in addition to the pensioner concession form.
You can request a refund of overpaid rates and water accounts by completing our online form.
Request a refund
Understanding your rates
The ordinary rate component increase is set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.
Each parcel of land must be included in one of four categories for rating purposes - residential, business, farmland or mining. We decide which category your property should be in based on its characteristics and use.
If you would like to request a change in category of land for rating purposes, complete the Change in Category of Land Application Form(PDF, 147KB) and submit to us for consideration.
A set fee that applies to all properties - the income is used for various environmental projects such as:
This fee covers the domestic waste collection service (red, yellow and green bins). This fee is determined by the size and frequency of the red bin. If no bin services are utilised but a domestic collection service is available to the property, the minimum charge will apply as per our fees and charges.
The rate peg is the maximum percentage amount by which a council may increase its general income for the year. Its purpose is to protect the ratepayer from paying excessive amounts in their rate bill. The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) sets the rate peg for NSW.
Land in NSW is valued by the Valuer General under the Valuation of Land Act 1916. We use land values to distribute rates across our local government area and this is done by using a combination of the land value of the property and a fixed amount per property. A change in land value does not necessarily lead to a similar change in rates. To find out more about how land values affect your rates visit the Valuer General website here.
Rates and charges help pay for infrastructure and services we all use daily, like roads, bridges, water, libraries, sports fields, parks, playgrounds and more. This summary shows how your rates and charges will be spent over the next financial year.
Our rating period begins 1 July and goes through to 30 June each year, with rates notices issued quarterly.
When we issue rates notices, we also attach another page which includes community notices and features about some of the projects rates contribute to in your community. This is mailed out in the same envelope, or attached as another document in your online notice.