Asset return
For public works assets created by development.
Bond release, bank guarantee release
Apply for the release of bond securities or a bank guarantee after final acceptance of works by Council.
Bushfire attack level
Request a Certificate that certifies a development is not in the Flame Zone or BAL 40. A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificate is a legislative requirement if you are carrying out Complying Development on bushfire prone land.
Certificate of compliance
Confirms that a licensed plumber/drainer has undertaken the work, which complies with current legislation and the relevant industry Codes and Standards. It must be filled out for all completed plumbing and drainage work.
Note: this form links to NSW fair trading site.
Certifying authority
Contract to appoint Council to undertake certification work or appointment as Principal Certifier under Section 31 of the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018 (NSW) and Clause 27 of the Building and Development Certifiers Regulations 2020 (NSW).
Gift or donation declaration
Make a declaration about a gift or donation associated with a DA. Property owners, their agents (applicant) and anyone making a submission about a development application must provide details of any political donations or gifts associated with the proposal.
Heritage assessment
Apply for a heritage assessment for minor works on heritage and archaeological items.
Inspection booking
Book a development related inspection and supply any required plans, certificates and other documents required for the inspection.
Install a manufactured home or moveable dwelling
Apply to install a manufactured home, moveable dwelling or associated structure in a manufactured home estate (MHE) or caravan park. This is required for any new installations, extensions to existing structures and alterations made to existing structures on a dwelling site.
Before doing any work on a dwelling site, first check with the park/estate manager for advice on whether the work is allowed in accordance with the Regulation under Section 68 of the Local Government Act, 1993, and whether an 'application to install' must be lodged with Council.
Modification of development consent
This form is required for all applications to modify a development application under Section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Notice of completion - manufactured home or moveable dwelling
A notice of completion that certifies the requirements under the Regulation have been met for the installation of a MHE, moveable dwelling or associated structure must be submitted to Council 7 days after the completion of work. This form includes a comprehensive checklist of items required for this assessment.
Notification to commence work - building
Must be lodged with Council before any building or construction work starts.
Notification to commence work - plumbing and drainage
Must be lodged with Council (Regulator) for Plumbing and Drainage (S68) applications 2 business days before work starts. The Notice of Work is completed by the plumber or drainer and provides the following information to Council:
- Who will carry out the work.
- Where work will be carried out.
- When work will be undertaken and estimated completion date.
- The type of work to be carried out (scale and scope).
- Intention for work to comply with (PCA and AS/NZS3500).
- If an alternate solution is being proposed.
Note: this is a link to NSW Fair Trading form.
Application to operate a caravan park, camping ground, or maunfactured estate
Apply for an approval to operate or manage an existing caravan park, camping ground or manufactured home estate. Approval is required under Section 68 Part F2 of the Local Government Act 1993.
If the park/estate is new, development consent (DA) is required.
Owner builder permit and home warranty insurance
This is required if you want to build or supervise a building on your own private residential premise. This includes managing your own residential building project and performing the coordinating and contracting roles usually undertaken by a builder. These roles include, but are not limited to, constructions, alterations, repairs and additions to a dwelling.
This permit applies to labour and work that requires Council approval and that has a market value of greater than $10,000 (inclusive of GST).
Note: form links to ABLIS site
Owners consent
Submit Development Application and/or related planning applications.
Planning proposal
Apply for a Planning Proposal seeking an amendment to the Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Environmental Plan.
A Section 138 (Roads Act 1993) - an application for a new or replacement standard driveway crossover. If this application is associated with a development application, or it is your preference, you may submit your application via the NSW Planning Portal.
Section 68 (Local Government Act 1993) - an application for approval to undertake water, sewer or stormwater works (including onsite sewer systems). If this application is associated with a development application, or it is your preference, you may submit your application via the NSW Planning Portal.
Sewer service diagram
A Sewer Service Diagram (SSD) shows the location of private sewer pipes on a property. When doing sewer drainage work on a residential, commercial or industrial property, plumbers and drainers must submit an updated or new SSD at the completion of the drainage work. Use the link above for templates and guidelines for SSD's.
Note: form links to NSW fair trading site.
Statement of environmental effects (SOEE)
This form is to be submitted for minor development applications only including: • New dwellings, alterations and additions and ancillary structures • Change of use/first use of commercial land and industrial premises. Larger, complex developments will required a comprehensive SOEE to be submitted. Contact Council’s Duty Officer for assistance if required.
Surrender development consent
Complete this form to surrender an approval issued under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Swimming pool barrier compliance certificate
If you are selling a property with a pool, unless you have a valid Final Occupation Certificate, a swimming pool barrier compliance certificate is required.
Water Supply Authority Approval
Under the Local Government Act 1993, Section 64, PMHC has certain approvals to act as a Water Supply under the Water Management Act 2000 in relation to development works. Where any development or engineering works are to be undertaken, the Owner or Developer is responsible for ensuring that Council's water and sewer assets are considered.
PMHC or a Building Certifier will tell you if need to apply for a Water Supply Authority approval. Usually this happens once you have submitted your Development Application or Complying Development Certificate Application.
Water - Application for CCTV camera inspection of sewer mains
Some developments will require CCTV of sewer mains to check the condition of the main or to determine if there has been any impact or damage from works. If this has been requested for your development, an online application can be completed by following this link.