Water bills for this quarter have been delayed due to technical issues. Normal payment terms will apply once the bills are issued.We apologise for this inconvenience. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Utility service authorities or the agents of electricity and telecommunications infrastructure suppliers are required to notify Council of planned works as required under the relevant Telecommunications Act and Electrical Supply Act.
This is known as a Land Access and Activity Notice (LAN) and must adhere to the respective Codes, Act and Notice requirements applicable for such activities within the road reserve.
Where an agent of a utility provider requires to temporarily close or obstruct the public road in order to carry out their works, they must first submit an Application for Works, Activities and Events within the Public Road Reserve to us with the relevant documentation.
Under the NSW Roads Act 1993, entities are not permitted to close a road or regulate traffic on a public road, without the road authority's consent.
You'll need to supply us with the location of the activity, your risk assessment documents, and a traffic guidance scheme or traffic management plan prepared by a licenced officer.
If you are unsure about your Application, please contact our Customer Service team. They can provide relevant information, or refer your enquiry to our Community Infrastructure team.
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