We use AUS-SPEC planning, design, and construction for civil engineering works associated with subdivisions and development.

You’ll find design specifications, construction standards, checklists and drawings for civil infrastructure design and construction. 

Design specifications

Specification for planning and design of civil infrastructure 

D01 - Geometric Road Design(PDF, 1MB)
D02 - Pavement Design(PDF, 355KB)
D03 - Civil Structures and Bridges(PDF, 311KB)
D04 - Subsurface Drainage(PDF, 389KB)
D05 - Stormwater Drainage Design(PDF, 1MB) 
D06 - Site Regrading(PDF, 342KB) 
D07 - Stormwater Quality(PDF, 883KB) 
D08 - Waterfront Development(PDF, 479KB) 
D09 - Cycleway and Pathway(PDF, 293KB) 
D10 - Bushfire Protection(PDF, 386KB)
D13 - Landscape Design(PDF, 437KB) 
D14 - Work As Executed Plans(PDF, 497KB) 
D15 - CAD Specifications(PDF, 2MB) 
DQS - Quality Assurance of Engineering(PDF, 913KB)
Asset Delivery Specification(PDF, 1MB) 

The adoption of the AUS-SPEC Construction and Design specifications ensures that Council is at the forefront of the Construction industry. 

Council worked with industry in 2018 to inform the development these specifications and has also applied these specifications to Council delivered work since 2018. Feedback from industry and learnings from Council works have now informed the approved specifications and drawings. This collaborative and adaptive approach ensures a robust set of documents that: work for Council, work for industry and achieve the quality outcomes required by our community in delivering long-term infrastructure requirements. 

Council acknowledges that the documented specifications will not cover every situation or site-specific circumstance and views its approach to developing these standards as key to a long-term partnership that supports industry innovation. Council is genuinely committed to working with industry to define practical and meaningful standards that deliver for our community. 

Next steps 

The new Design and Construction specifications were approved from August 2024 with the industry encouraged to apply the new standards to all new designs. A grace period will be in place to transition to the new specifications.

By 13 January 2024, the latest standard version will apply for all Construction Plans approved for Letter of Acceptance and Subdivision Works Certificate. 

An online feedback/comments register will be maintained, should you have any feedback on the specifications. Changes will be consulted before implementation. 

Feedback form

 More information 

Supplemental information

D05 - Stormwater Drainage Design and D07 - Stormwater Quality 

These files enable design submissions to be compliant with Council's Aus-Spec Design Specifications: D05 - Stormwater Drainage and D07 - Stormwater Quality. 

Conceptual on-site detention (OSD) calculator to assist in concept level design / sizing of volumes and orifice for infill development only. The tool is not to be used for detailed design, ‘For Construction’ design purposes, or developments on lots larger than 1,200m2. Open the Excel file and click on the macro button “Start OSD calculator CLICK HERE” within the OSD Calculator sheet to initiate the macro-based program. If this tool has been used to assist in development of a conceptual stormwater design for DA purposes, please provide a screenshot of the entire OSD calculator window with the stormwater plan. 

OSD Calculator(ZIP, 231KB)

MUSIC Rainfall and PET Data(ZIP, 6MB)

D15 CAD specifications

These files enable survey and design information to be provided that is compliant with Council's Design Specification - D15 CAD specifications. Includes AutoCAD template and 12D Survey Mapping Files .

D15 - AutoCAD Template Files(ZIP, 426KB)
12D Survey Mapping Files(ZIP, 19KB)
Submitting Projected Data in MGA(DOC, 20KB) (describes the current requirements to transfer information into Council's own mapping system.)

Construction standards

Specifications covering the information required for the construction of civil infrastructure. 

CQS-C Quality System Requirements(PDF, 862KB)
C201 - Control of Traffic(PDF, 408KB) 
C211 - Control of Erosion and Sedimentation(PDF, 523KB) 
C212 - Clearing and Grubbing(PDF, 216KB)
C213 - Earthworks(PDF, 659KB) 
C220 - Stormwater Drainage(PDF, 678KB) 
C221 - Pipe Drainage(PDF, 592KB) 
C222 - Precast Box Culverts(PDF, 289KB) 
C223 - Drainage Structures(PDF, 660KB)
C224 - Open Drains Inc Kerb and Gutter(PDF, 376KB)
C230 - Subsurface Drainage(PDF, 392KB) 
C231 - Subsoil & Foundation Drains(PDF, 271KB) 
C233 - Drainage Mats(PDF, 261KB)
C241 - Stabilisation(PDF, 216KB) 
C242 - Flexible Pavements(PDF, 546KB) 
C244 - Sprayed Bituminous Surfacing(PDF, 237KB) 
C245 - Asphaltic Concrete(PDF, 363KB)
C247 - Mass Concrete Subbase(PDF, 601KB)
C248 - Plain or Reinforced Concrete Base(PDF, 870KB)
C254 - Segmental Paving(PDF, 478KB)
C255 - Bituminous Microsurfacing(PDF, 369KB) 
C261 - Pavement Markings(PDF, 304KB) 
C262 - Signposting(PDF, 256KB)
C263 - Guideposts(PDF, 182KB) 
C264 - Safety Barrier Systems(PDF, 198KB) 
C265 - Boundary Fencing(PDF, 259KB) 
C271 - Minor Concrete Works(PDF, 552KB) 
C273 - Landscaping(PDF, 505KB) 
C501 - Bushfire Protection (Perimeter Tracks)(PDF, 232KB)
CQC - Quality Control Requirements(PDF, 1MB) 
CQS - Quality System Requirements(PDF, 862KB)
ITP Inspection Schedule(PDF, 3MB) 

The adoption of the AUS-SPEC Construction and Design specifications ensures that Council is at the forefront of the Construction industry. 

Council worked with industry in 2018 to inform the development these specifications and has also applied these specifications to Council delivered work since 2018. Feedback from industry and learnings from Council works have now informed the approved specifications and drawings.

This collaborative and adaptive approach ensures a robust set of documents that: work for Council, work for industry and achieve the quality outcomes required by our community in delivering long-term infrastructure requirements. 

Council acknowledges that the documented specifications will not cover every situation or site-specific circumstance and views its approach to developing these standards as key to a long-term partnership that supports industry innovation. Council is genuinely committed to working with industry to define practical and meaningful standards that deliver for our community. 

Next steps 

The new Design and Construction specifications were approved from August 2024 with the industry encouraged to apply the new standards to all new designs. A grace period will be in place to transition to the new specifications. By 13 January 2024, the latest standard version will apply for all Construction Plans approved for Letter of Acceptance and Subdivision Works Certificate. 

An online live feedback/comments register will be maintained, should you have any feedback on the specifications. Changes will be consulted before implementation. 

Feedback form 

 More information 

We have created Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)(PDF, 198KB) to assist.

Water and Sewer Specifications

Council has adopted the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) National Codes as the base specification for all water and sewerage works. In addition, PMHC has developed Supplements to the National Codes to accommodate Council’s needs and preferences as well as local construction practices and products.

The latest WSAA National Codes are available for purchase and download via the WSAA website.

 The PMHC supplement documents can be viewed here:

PMHC SUPPLEMENT to WSA Gravity Sewerage and Pump Station Codes(PDF, 402KB)

PMHC SUPPLEMENT to WSA Water Supply Code(PDF, 15MB)

The Water and Sewer Standard Drawings can be viewed online using the links below: 

ASD Water 400 Series(PDF, 7MB)

ASD Sewer 500 Series(PDF, 28MB) 

Council intends to update both the Water and Sewerage Standard Drawings and Supplements every two years or as required to reflect changes in both Council’s policies and developments in industry practices and products. Collaboration with the industry is essential, and Council encourages feedback on the supplements and standard drawings at any time by completing the form below.

Feedback Form