Alcohol restricted zones - Port Macquarie CBD


Alcohol Free Zones (AFZ) and Alcohol Prohibited Areas (APA) in the Port Macquarie Central Business District (CBD) have been renewed for a further 4 years, expiring December 2027. This is in accordance with Section 645 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Prohibiting the consumption of alcohol on key streets and restricting consumption times within the public reserves and outdoor entertainment areas Council owns or manages, is an effective anti-social behaviour and crime prevention measure in the CBD supported by Police and the Hastings Liquor Accord.

Alcohol Free Zones (AFZ)

Streets, footpaths and entertainment precincts.

No alcohol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the following locations:

  • East from Buller Street Bridge to Murray Street including Short, Horton and Hay Streets, and Keen, Barracks and Phillip Lane
  • North from the top end of Horton Street through to Sunset Parade including Clarence, William, and Hayward Street
  • West from bottom end of Horton Street to Gordon Street to Kooloonbung Creek
  • In three entertainment precincts (including Clarence Street (river end), Town Square and the Glasshouse Forecourt (Hay Street). Restrictions can be varied for events with Council approval.

Alcohol Prohibited Areas (APA)

Parks & Reserves

Not permitted from 9pm to 12 noon daily. 

The map below details where restrictions apply. Where prohibition exists, approval can be sought through an application to Council in conjunction with Local Area Command (Police), to vary the condition for a specific event (Section 68 Approval).

Port Macquarie CBD Alcohol-Free Zones 2023-2027.jpg