Water bills for this quarter have been delayed due to technical issues. Normal payment terms will apply once the bills are issued.We apologise for this inconvenience. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
If you live close to bushland, scrub, grassland or farmland, you're at risk of bushfires. Being prepared could reduce the destructive effects a bush fire will have on your property and could save the lives of you and your family.
Below you'll find useful information to help you prepare for bushfires:
Hazards Near Me App Store or Google Play.
For more information and guides from the NSW RFS, see Related Links on the right of this page.
Have you used the QR code on one of our bushfire signs? Learn more about these signs here:
An Asset Protection Zone (APZ) is the area between a residential or commercial building and an adjacent fire hazard (i.e. bushland).
APZ's are constructed and maintained to protect existing dwellings and should not be relied upon for new developments.
Keeping this area clear provides ease-of-access for firefighters and emergency/maintenance personnel to protect life and property safely. Any encroachment in this area hinders firefighting efforts.
Please report any encroachments such as trailers or illegal dumping on public land to Council. Authorised Council officers may remove any items, rubbish or other obstructions by order of the Chief Executive Officer.
A Conservation Buffer is a land management area which provides additional bushfire mitigation where the bushland (hazard) is not deemed significant enough to warrant a formal Asset Protection Zone (APZ) under the Rural Fires Act 1997.
Any encroachment such as trailers, illegal dumping or other in a Conservation Buffer hinders firefighting efforts. Please report any encroachment to Council.
We have developed a map to show where the APZ and SFAZ measures are in place. Simply access our interactive map below (or open in a new window) to view:
You can identify an APZ or Conservation Buffer by the signage displayed onsite or via the PMHC Interactive Bushfire Mitigation Map.
An APZ is installed when the hazard is deemed significant enough to warrant it. This is generally bushland parcels greater than 1 Hectare that have uninterrupted fuels for a length of 50m or greater. The dimensions of these APZs are governed by calculations based on slope and vegetation type, also Standards provided by the Rural Fires Service.
Conservation Buffers are installed when a hazard is present but is not deemed significant enough to warrant a formal APZ. These are of nominal widths, however, can provide improved access in case of emergency.
Conservation buffers may still retain some vegetation such as trees as the hazard is not a high enough risk due to factors such as the width of the hazard or presence of watercourses and associated vegetation that is not considered a significant hazard.
An APZ does not require the clearing of all vegetation. It is an area of modified vegetation to restrict the build-up of fine fuels.
No. Council only mange APZs on land owned or managed by Council.
APZs can be managed by other government agencies such as Crown Land, Forestry NSW or National Parks.
Homeowners of properties constructed after 2002 that are adjacent to hazards will have APZs wholly within their own land.
By following directions from Prepare your home - NSW Rural Fire Service
Councils have a responsibility to provide suitable bushfire protection for the community however, Councils also have obligations to protect ecology.
If you have concerns please contact Council. Council will forward your concerns to the RFS for review. If the concern is upheld the RFS they will provide direction for the additional clearing required.
If your concern is regarding the maintenance of an existing APZ contact council.
If you believe the APZ requires enhancement or construction, contact RFS on 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737) or Reporting a bush fire hazard - NSW Rural Fire Service.
If you see an unattended fire call 000 immediately.