Duty planners & surveyors

If you need guidance through the development application process, you can book a meeting with our duty planners or duty building surveyors.

Our planners and surveyors can provide:

  • assistance with general planning and building enquiries
  • help locating information about zoning and development controls
  • guidance on the development application process
  • advice on the type of information you need to support you application.

The duty team cannot review your detailed plans, advise whether your plans will be approved, or confirm that your proposal meets all the requirements to be considered exempt development or complying development. We recommend that you book a pre-lodgement meeting for any large or more complex proposals.

This is a free service, available from 9am–1pm, Monday to Thursday. All appointments are for a maximum of 15 minutes.

To access the Duty Planner service, book an appointment through our online booking system below.

Before you book

Step 1.Have you checked NSW ePlanning Spatial Viewer?

If you’re not sure which planning controls apply, make sure to check the ePlanning Spatial Viewer first. The Spatial View collates information from the Local Environmental Plan and the Development Control plan, which outline the various planning controls applying to the land and to the specific development type. 

Step 2.Have you read our development and construction FAQs?

Make sure to check the frequently asked questions on the development application process before booking your meeting. You may find the answers to your questions here, so you can make the most of your time with a planner.

Example: Camping on the farm, tiny homes, zoning, how to get copies of plans etc.

Step 3.Making a booking

You will need to answer some standard questions when making a booking, so make sure that you know the basic details of your enquiry so we can direct it to the right person.

All appointments are:

  • held over the phone, for a maximum of 15 minutes
  • available from 9am–1pm, Monday to Thursday.

Book a meeting