Development Assessment Panel (DAP)

The Development Assessment Panel (DAP) assists in managing Council's development assessment function. They provide independent, transparent and expert determinations of development applications that fall outside of staff delegations.

The Panel aims to enhance decision making by improving the balance between technical advice and local knowledge.


The key responsibilities of the Development Assessment Panel are to:

  • Review development application reports and conditions. The focus of the Panel's review is to be on those issues raised in submissions received following exhibition of development applications.
  • Determine development applications where there are 3 or more unique submissions, or where an application is outside of staff delegations.
  • Refer development applications to Council for determination where necessary.
  • Provide a forum for objectors and applicants to make submissions on applications before the panel.
  • Maintain transparency in the determination of development applications.

Find further information about the role and function of the panel by reading the DAP charter(PDF, 242KB).


There are four members on the panel, including:

  • David Crofts
  • Chris Gee
  • Michael Mason
  • Tony McNamara.


When required, meetings are held on Wednesdays at Council's Port Macquarie office, located at 17 Burrawan Street.

The DAP is a Committee of Council and meetings are open to the public, conducted in line with our Code of Conduct. If you wish to attend a meeting or speak on an item, it will be necessary to register by close of business on the Monday prior to the meeting. 

To register to attend and/or speak at the meeting, please email or phone (02) 6581 8111.    

If you have made a submission on a development proposal that has been referred to the DAP for a decision, we will let you know which meeting it will be discussed at. 

Assessment reports are available to view 4-5 days prior to the DAP meeting date. You can view meeting agendas and minutes in our business paper library. Make sure to select the DAP in the drop down and choose the year and month to find the papers you are interested in.

You can also find specific DAP reports through Application Tracker.