

Recognising our Centenarians - 100 years 

Council welcomes the opportunity to recognise and congratulate any resident residing in our Local Government Area who becomes a Centenarian when turning 100 years of age. 

In order for this to occur, we need to be notified by a relative, friend, carer or nursing home representative, preferably at least four weeks prior to the birthday. 

Once details are provided and verified, the Mayor will provide a Mayoral Congratulations Certificate and make a $100.00 donation from the Mayoral Discretionary Fund to a charity of the Centenarian/family’s choice, on their behalf, in recognition of their 100th birthday. 

Please contact the Mayor’s Executive Assistant via telephone on 02 6581 8111 or email council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au should you wish to discuss an upcoming Centenarian birthday.