Water bills for this quarter have been delayed due to technical issues. Normal payment terms will apply once the bills are issued.We apologise for this inconvenience. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Our unsealed roads are graded every 12 months, with busier roads graded every six months.
Grading keeps the surface even and prevents water pooling, which can lead to potholes or soft spots in the road.
A grader is used to clear gravel from the roadside edge drains and trim the top layer of road gravel to produce an even road surface. Sometimes we may use a water cart to spray the road surface and any loose gravel, which helps to achieve the desired compaction. After this, we use a smooth drum roller to compact the gravel. The grader may then do a final pass to trim any high spots.
Grading of unsealed roads is completed to a schedule, this can be viewed further down the page.
Sometimes the schedule can be delayed due to:
We notify residents in advance where we may need to close the road while grading.
Unsealed Road Grading Schedule
Note: This table is updated quarterly.
Note: This table is updated quarterly, in October and April.
Water is essential in the use of unsealed road grading to bind the gravel material together effectively, and reduce the rate of natural road deterioration.
Where possible, we will use recycled water from our treatment plants for this process.