Road and reserve naming

As the local road authority, we are responsible for the naming and renaming of roads in our network.

We consider applications to rename roads and reserves in our local government area. Names must be in accordance with our road naming and renaming policy or reserve naming and renaming policy, and the Geographical Names Board (GNB) Guidelines.

The GNB sets the policy and processes for all road naming proposals in New South Wales. Their guidelines provide a framework to ensure that naming practices in New South Wales are of the highest possible standard and will result in clear road names which minimise confusion, errors and discrimination.

If you’re interested in the process of road and reserve renaming, or you which to submit an application, follow the directions below.

Propose a new name

Step 1.Prepare your application

Proposed names must be in accordance with:

Applications also incur a fee, details on charges are outlined on page 62 of our Fees & Charges document.

Step 2.Submit your documents

To propose a name for a road:
complete this form(PDF, 856KB).

To propose a name for a reserve:
complete this form(PDF, 171KB).

You’ll also need to supply:

  • a site plan or map of the road or reserve to be named or renamed.
  • Supporting information in favour of the proposed name, including an explanation of the derivative and meaning of the proposed name/s.
  • Approvals from the Local Aboriginal Land Council or Local Historical Society, if applicable.

Step 3.Next steps

Once an application has been received, we will liaise with the Geographical Names Board and determine whether the request can progress to the community for consideration.

Naming proposals are displayed in our public notices, providing our community with the opportunity to comment and share feedback.

Once feedback has been received, the proposal will be presented to council for their consideration. Official renaming of a road or reserve can only occur at the resolution of council.