Canal management


There are two canal systems in our local government area:

  • Broadwater Canals
  • Settlement Point Canal

Broadwater Canals

We maintain the canals in accordance with prescribed guidelines. We levy a special rate on properties in the Broadwater Estate to fund maintenance activities.

If you have any questions relating to the Broadwater Canals, please contact the Broadwater Canal Maintenance Plan Community Reference Group by emailing

Settlement Shores Canals

Property owners along the canals are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the retaining wall and 2.1 metres of the adjacent beaches to their property boundary. We maintain the waterways and flood structures within the canals and public beach areas.

The beach zone and waterway itself, outside the 2.1 metre property boundary from the wall, is Council responsibility, and we also maintain the beach zone, waterways and flood structures within the canals.