Review of Environmental Factors reports

A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) is an assessment used to determine the impacts of an activity undertaken by a public authority. It examines the potential impacts of the activity on the environment and aims to minimise those impacts.

This can include technical reports prepared by industry specialists, such as:

  • Ecological consultants 
  • Heritage consultants
  • Environmental consultants
  • Noise pollutant experts
  • Traffic and transport experts.

We prepare REF assessments in accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979).

Environmental Planning Regulations require us to display environmental assessment documentation for projects that:

  • have a Capital Investment Value greater than $5 million
  • require certain permits, including permits from the Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries), Heritage NSW, National Parks and Wildlife Service and/or Environmental Protection Authority
  • are considered in the community interest.  

This change improves the transparency of assessments of Council activities, by illustrating what environmental factors have been considered and the mitigation measures required. Find our current projects and their assessment documents below.

These Review of Environmental Factors (REFs) are for the replacement of bridges which are part of the Fixing Country Bridges Round 1 program.

Locations are as follows:

Major Bridges

  • Logans Crossing Bridge
  • King Creek Bridge
  • Little Mortons Creek Bridge
  • Bottlebrush No 1 - Bril Bril Rd - Rollands Plains
  • Langdons Bridge - Bottlebrush No 2 - Bril Bril Rd - Rollands Plains

Minor Bridges or Culverts

  • Joes Bridge - Bobs Creek Road
  • Cuttys Bridge - Bobs Creek Road
  • Crowe Roods Bridge - Bellangry Road
  • Farrawells Road Bridge - Farrawells Road
  • Old School Road Bridge - Herons Creek
  • Tower Road Bridge - Tower Road - Pembrooke
  • Donkins Flat Bridge - Wingham Road
  • Thone River Road Bridge

We propose to replace six existing sewer pump stations (SPS) in various parts of the Local Government Area (LGA). Routine maintenance and monitoring have found the existing SPSs require replacement due to factors such as end of life, capacity deficiencies or operational issues. The total project is valued at approximately $22 million.

This Review of Environmental Factors (REF) is for the proposed construction of the southern arm trunk water main (SATM) between the Pacific Motorway to Ocean Drive, Lake Cathie.

This project aims to ensure that the southern area of the Port Macquarie - Hasitngs local government area has a water supply adequate to service both the existing urban development in the area and future growth in population over the next 25 to 30 years.