Water bills for this quarter have been delayed due to technical issues. Normal payment terms will apply once the bills are issued.We apologise for this inconvenience. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Your backyard pool or spa may need approval to construct, install or alter if it can hold water more than 300mm deep and a volume of 2000 litres or more. And if you’re planning on selling or leasing your property, you'll need a compliance certificate.
View the information on new and existing backyard pools to see if your pool is compliant, or check what steps to take to apply for a certificate of compliance.
New backyard pools need development consent either through a Complying Development or Development Application (DA). Talk to one of our duty planners or duty surveyors to find out which consent you need.
After installation, pools are required by law to be registered on the NSW Swimming Pool Register. Registering your pool is free, but if your pool isn’t registered, you can be fined $220.
As a homeowner, you or your agent can request an inspection by one of our officers before you sell or lease your property with a pool or spa. If you’re leasing your property, you’re required to have a current certificate of compliance so your pool should be inspected at least once every 3 years.
Only Council or a registered certifier can issue a certificate of compliance.
You can apply for an exemption if you meet any of the following criteria:
Please call Council's Swimming Pool Inspector on (02) 6581 8111 or book an appointment with our duty planner and surveyor to further discuss your circumstances.
As a guide, download a self-assessment checklist from NSW Swimming Pool Register. You’ll find key compliance information that will help you plan.
If after reading the self-assessment checklist, you have any concerns or believe you are not complying, you should take corrective action. If you need further advice you can talk to one of our Swimming Pool Inspectors by contacting us.
All pools and spas need to be registered with NSW Swimming Pool Register. There is no fee to register your pool but unregistered pools could be fined $220.
If you are unsure if you pool is registered, check the NSW Swimming Pool Register by searching your address.
Council can help pool owners who are unable to register their pool on the NSW Swimming Pool Register. A $10.00 fee will apply.
Register now
NOTE: This application for a certificate of compliance is not for an occupation certificate ("OC"). For a newly installed pool/spa please contact your Certifier or pool/spa builder for your final inspection as it may be included in your construction certificate fees and will be completed by your nominated Certifier.
The initial inspection fee is $150.00. This fee is payable online as part of the application process.
If non-compliant and re-inspection is required, you will be advised and an additional fee of $100.00 per inspection will be charged.
Apply now
Use the self-assessment checklist from NSW Swimming Pool Register as a starting point. You’ll find key compliance information that will help you understand and identify the main requirements.
There are different types of approvals for backyard pools. We recommend making an appointment with a duty surveyor first. Every property is different and we can help you apply for consent to build a pool and give you advice on the barrier your property will need so your pool complies with state regulations.
We are required under the Swimming Pools Act to carry out an inspection program to ensure all pools comply with the required standards. Our inspection program applies to all pools and spas on land where a residential building, moveable dwelling or tourist and visitor accommodation is located.
All swimming pools and spas must display a compliant warning notice with a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) chart.
The CPR chart must be permanently secured within the pool enclosure, be legible 3metres from the pool, and be well maintained.
View a compliant CPR chart(PDF, 45KB).