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Volunteers make community life better by promoting enduring social, cultural, environmental and economic value to our community.

Council supports community giving through our Volunteer Policy providing a range of opportunities for residents to volunteer to make public assets and programs better, strengthen community belonging and pride in our place.

We welcome community-council volunteering partnerships and new members to our programs.

Volunteering benefits

  • Get actively involved in your community
  • Help someone else
  • Build confidence
  • Meet new people
  • Feel needed by the community
  • Learn new skills
  • Gain valuable job experience

Current Volunteering Opportunities

Friends of Camden Head Lookout Volunteer Group

At the 14 November Ordinary Council Meeting, Councillors made the following resolution, that Council:

  1. Note the information contained within the Camden Head Lookout Master Plan Community Engagement Report - July 2024
  2. Note that preliminary works have commenced at the site to tidy up the site as per Council’s July 2024 resolution on this matter.
  3. Adopt the Amended Camden Head Lookout Reserve Master Plan included in Attachment 5 to the report for Item 11.01 Camden Head Lookout Master Plan Engagement Outcomes - Post Exhibition Report of the July 2024 Ordinary Council meeting.
  4. Endorse the establishment of a Friends of Camden Head Lookout volunteer group and proceed to establish the group.

For further information please refer to Endorsed Draft Camden Head Master Plan webpage.

Scope of Activities for FCHL Members

FCHL volunteers will engage in a range of activities aligned with the adopted Master Plan, including:

  • Master Plan: Assisting with the development and refinement of individual stakeholder elements of the Master Plan once adopted
  • Project Scoping: Developing detailed project scopes for medium to long-term works, including costings, legislated planning assessment pathways, and approvals
  • Maintenance Activities: Undertaking maintenance activities in assigned site-specific locations, as appointed by Council, and with the support of Council in accordance with the adopted Master Plan
  • Project and Enhancement Support: Supporting the delivery of future projects or enhancements as outlined in the Master Plan or as approved by Council
  • Site Inspections and Safety: Council will conduct regular site inspections to ensure all activities meet Council requirements and will provide necessary Personal Protective Equipment to volunteers
  • Evolving Program: Recognising that this will be an evolving relationship and that changes to the program will be made by mutual agreement
  • Agreement Term: The initial volunteer agreement will be valid for two years.

Prior to nominating, interested individuals are encouraged to review Council’s “Friends of” procedure, which details volunteer responsibilities and expectations.

Establishing a “Friends of" Volunteer Group procedure(PDF, 141KB) 

Graffiti Blasters


We are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to join our Graffiti Blasters program. Our beautiful region has seen an increase in graffiti vandalism, this is a social problem and we assist with removing Graffiti from our community spaces and places.

About the Role

Within this role, Volunteers may be required to undertake some or all of the following tasks:

  • Removal of graffiti: including using a high- pressure water ‘Gerni’ and applying cleaning products onto surfaces
  • Painting
  • Sanding
  • Scrubbing
  • Wiping
  • Bending and twisting
  • Lifting

The program will be conducted weekdays, from 9.00am to Midday. Volunteers will operate on a rotating Roster, working in pairs.

Council will conduct a compulsory training and induction process for all successful applicants which will need to be undertaken before commencing as a Graffiti Blaster Volunteer.

Apply now



The library service occasionally has a need for volunteers to assist us in providing a high level of quality library services to our community.

About the Role

Within this role, volunteers may be required to do some or all of the following tasks.

  • Assisting with children’s activities such a story time (requires a current Working With Children Check)
  • Shelving books and other materials
  • Repairing books
  • Disk cleaning
  • Preparing book sale items
  • Maintaining the library community garden

Council will conduct a compulsory training and induction process for all successful applicants which will need to be undertaken before commencing as a Library Volunteer.

Apply now



Often events that Council sponsors require local volunteers to help make the event a success. Our Major Events Team will list opportunities here as they arise. Please contact the event organisers direct for further information. 

Some regular events include:

About the Role

Within this role, volunteers may be required to do some or all of the following tasks:

  • Marshalling
  • Manning information stalls
  • Collecting surveys
  • Registering athletes
  • Assisting with waste and recycling to reduce landfill

Council will conduct a compulsory training and induction process for all successful applicants which will need to be undertaken before commencing as a volunteer at an event. If you are interested in joining a waitlist for any future events:

Apply now


Located in the heart of Port Macquarie, the Glasshouse is a state-of-the-art cultural center; home to a Theatre, Studio, Regional Gallery, Visitor Information Centre, gift shop, conference and meeting facilities, and heritage displays. 

Our volunteer teams have been operating in the Gallery and Visitor Information Centre for almost 20 years and since the Glasshouse opened in 2009, have merged under one roof. 

We invite you to join us at the Glasshouse and become a part of our dedicated team, sharing your knowledge and experience to engage, inform and educate our visitors in the Gallery and/or Visitor Information Centre. 

Gallery Volunteer


Volunteer Gallery Attendants are the first point of contact for Gallery visitors and assist them in having an interesting and enjoyable experience. Gallery Attendants provide assistance to visitors by distributing catalogues, information and explanations of the program and floor plan. Gallery Attendants enhance the visitors' experience by ensuring the Gallery remains a warm and inviting place to visit while ensuring the Gallery is a secure and safe place for visitors and art works. 

About the Role 

  • Greet Gallery visitors and familiarise visitors with the layout of the Gallery and exhibition program on display
  • Ensure the Gallery and exhibitions are safe and secure at all times
  • Distribute information, handouts and catalogues

Tourism Ambassador


Volunteer Tourism Ambassadors support and assist the Port Macquarie Visitor Information Centre at the Glasshouse, accessible to the public seven days a week. Ambassadors help locals and visitors who enter the building by distributing flyers and offering guidance on what our region has to offer. Ambassadors assist in ensuring visitors to our building and region have an enjoyable stay. 

About the Role 

  • Greet visitors to the venue and help with tourism related enquiries
  • Provide simple directions and visitor information by distributing appropriate tourist brochures to visitors
  • Providing information on products, experiences and services in the Port Macquarie Hastings region
  • Managing and stocking up brochure displays and promotional stock 
  • Respond in a prompt and courteous manner to visitor inquiries by providing visitors with impartial, objective information

Download an application form our website or come in to pick one up from our Customer Service Desk. 


We are fortunate enough to have a number of environmental groups working to restore existing bushland reserves in our region.

We have developed a map to show where these groups are currently active. If you are interested in volunteering for environmental protection activities simply access our interactive map below (or open in a new window), scroll through the available areas at the bottom of the map and click on a location to discover groups that are active near you. Contact details will be available when you click on a particular reserve.

To find out more about ecological restoration practices, please watch these video tutorials:

To find out more about riparian revegetation in the Hastings River Estuary:

To find out more about riparian revegetation in the Camden Haven River Estuary: 



Community-led volunteer programs for park and recreation maintenance and enhancement, on Council owned or managed land operate under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). A Council volunteer MOU details the scope of volunteer works, it may have necessitated an environmental assessment on the site, it will outline any restrictions, insurance, supervision and compliance responsibilities and consent requirements for works outside of the agreement.

Current community managed volunteer programs operating under a MOU in recreation spaces include:

  • Friends of Mrs Yorks Garden
  • Wayne Richards Mountain Bike Track
  • Lake Cathie Skakepark and foreshore
  • ACES Envirogang

Expressions of interest for new community-led volunteer programs under a ‘adopt a park’ or ‘friends of’ arrangement should be lodged with Council’s Community Activation group for consideration. Email us at: community.activation@pmhc.nsw.gov.au or give the team a call on (02) 6581 8111 to discuss your volunteer idea .

A request requires the following information to enable assessment:

  • Evidence that the group is a registered incorporated organisation
  • Copy of the associations Public liability insurance to the value of $20M
  • Site plan showing land tenure and zonings
  • Maintenance plan for the site detailing proposed works, hours, staffing and what would happen if works ceased
  • Nominated volunteer supervisor, details on how volunteer activities will be coordinated and safety (WHS), inductions and insurance will be managed.