Fire safety statements


Building owners are required to meet certain fire safety measures and show evidence that these requirements have been met. It’s an offence if you fail to meet these requirements and penalties can apply.

Your premises may require an annual Fire Safety Statement or a Fire Safety Certificate, submitted upon completion of a new builds, if it’s been subject to:

  • a building approval
  • construction certificate
  • complying development certificate
  • fire safety schedule
  • notice or order by Council after 1 July 1998.

The Department of Planning's Fire Safety Statement FAQ(PDF, 87KB) provides more information about the requirements.  

Acquire a fire safety statement of certificate

Step 1.Download the relevant form: 

As a building owner or developer, you will either require the

As a certifier, you will require the:

Please note: the above new forms must be used from 1 August 2023.

Step 2.Lodge your application:

Submit the completed form at one of our offices and pay the relevant fee upon receipt of a tax invoice from Council.

Step 3.Inform Fire and Rescue NSW:

Lodge a copy of your AFSS with Fire & Rescue NSW at