Beach driving permits

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We have many un-patrolled beaches that allow four wheel driving (4WD) as long as you have a valid beach driving permit.

Annual (365 days) or 30 day permits are purchased using the PayStay App or website. All permits are valid from the date of purchase on nominated 4WD beaches within Port Macquarie-Hastings, Kempsey and Nambucca Council areas. 

Pensioner permits can be purchased by visiting one of our customer service centres or the Glasshouse Visitor Information Centre.

Permit types and fees

There are three permit types:

  • Annual permit (365 days)
  • 30-Day visitor permit
  • Pensioner rate (valid 365 days)

For current permit rates, please see our Fees & charges page.

Note: Pensioner permits are not available via the PayStay app. Please visit or contact our customer service team to organise the concession rate.

Permit outlets

Pensioner permit outlets:

You can only purchase pensioner permits at one of our customer service centres, or at the Glasshouse. For 30 day or annual permits, please use the PayStay app or visit their website.

Council offices

  • Port Macquarie - Cnr Lord & Burrawan Streets 
  • Laurieton - 9 Laurie Street
  • Wauchope - High Street.

Glasshouse visitor information centre

  • Glasshouse, 30-42 Clarence Street &, Hay St, Port Macquarie NSW 2444.

Permit outlets

All beach permits can be purchased at the following locations: 

  • Laurieton General Store, Pawn Broker, Antiques & Collectibles - 40 Bold Street, Laurieton.

Beach driving rules

Permit holders must follow these beach driving rules at all times.

  • Enter and exit the beach via designated, signposted access points only. View the beach access map to see the access points. 
  • Stay between the high and low tide marks (where the sand is firmer) except when entering or leaving the beach.
  • Obey the 50km/h speed limit. When your within 100m of other vehicles or people, you must slow to 25km/h speed limit. 
  • Do not drive through a surf patrol area, unless you have the permission of the patrol captain on duty.
  • Give right of way to people at all times and keep within a safe 15m distance of other beach users.
  • Activities involving towing of people, driving and parking on sand dunes/vegetation is prohibited.
  • If you cannot pass a section of the beach due to sand drift situations, drivers are to turn around and not proceed through a drift section. 
  • Keep our beaches clean and take your rubbish with you when you leave. Glass is prohibited at all times. 
  • Vehicles must be registered, drivers licensed and seatbelts must be secured.

Permit Conditions

  • Display or produce the temporary permit through the PayStay app if requested by a Ranger or the Police.
  • Only the vehicle registered on the permit can access and drive on the beach.
  • Disabled drivers may apply for a special licence under RMS unregistered vehicles provision.


  • Driving or parking a vehicle on the vegetated dune of any beach.
  • Driving on any beach (except at boat launching sites) without a current beach driving permit.
  • Driving in restricted or prohibited areas.
  • Driving without a current driver's licence or an unregistered vehicle. 

All beach driving rules and regulations are enforced, as per the Local Government Act 1993. The penalty for offences is a $110 on the spot fine with a maximum penalty of up to $1100.

Port Macquarie Hastings Council reserves the right to withdraw the beach driving permit from vehicles found in breach of the Act or Policy.

Purchase a permit

PayStay is the leading parking app, website, and phone service in Australia. While it's not commonly used for Beach Permits, it is a way we can increase compliance and track purchase data more efficiently to improve our service and deliver on your needs.

Find instructions for purchasing a 365-day or 30-day permit online or through the PayStay app below.

On the app

Step 1.Download the PayStay App

Download from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. 

Get it on App store          Get it on google play store

Step 2.Register your details

Once downloaded, open the app and register by entering your details. Add your payment information and add a top up amount. This will be deducted from the permit fee.

Step 3.Confirm your registration

Confirm your SMS security code. 

Step 4.Purchase your permit

To purchase your permit, navigate to the 'Pay' page. As this is a parking app, the system allows you to input a code to organise vehicle access to a zone for an outlined period of time. In this case, the zone is not a parking space, but vehicle access to designated beaches.

On the 'Pay' page, enter the zone code that corresponds with the permit you'd like to purchase:

  • 365 day permit (Zone code - 24440365). 
  • 30-Day visitors (Zone code - 24440030).

Refer to our fees and charges page for the current applicable fee


Pensioner permits are not available via the PayStay app. Please visit our customer service team to organise the concession rate. 

Step 5.Check your details

Check all details are correct, click 'Next' and acknowledge the beach driving conditions. Review the summary and click 'Start Parking' to purchase your permit.


Step 1.Visit the PayStay website

Visit the PayStay website to begin your registration.

Step 2.Register your details

Click sign up and enter in your information, including contact and payment information and add a top up amount. This will be deducted from the permit fee.

Step 3.Confirm your registration

Confirm your SMS security code.

Step 4.Purchase your permit

To purchase your permit, navigate to the 'Parking' section. As this is a parking app, the system allows you to input a code to organise vehicle access to a zone for an outlined period of time. In this case, the zone is not a parking space, but vehicle access to designated beaches.

On the 'Parking' page, enter the zone code that corresponds with the permit you'd like to purchase:

  • 365 day permit (Zone code - 24440365).
  • 30-Day visitors (Zone code - 24440030).

Refer to our fees and charges page for the current applicable fee


Pensioner permits are not available via the PayStay app. Please visit or contact our customer service team to organise the concession rate. 

Step 5.Check your details

Check all details are correct, click 'Next' and acknowledge the beach driving conditions. Review the summary and click 'Start Parking' to purchase your permit.