Report backyard burning

Smoke is a by-product of fire. Fires that are not maintained correctly, or where the wrong materials are burned can cause excessive smoke and become a nuisance. Knowing the difference between what can and can't be burned in your neighbour's backyard will help with reporting any smoke issues.  
We investigate issues of air pollution and the fire brigade responds to issues of fire control and fire damage.


Before you report

Step 1.Is there a risk of the fire spreading? 

If the burning is occurring right now and you believe there is a risk of buildings or trees catching fire and spreading, contact the fire brigade on 000.

Step 2.Identify the source of the smoke

Certain things that produce smoke are allowed, such as BBQ smokers and fire pits to cook and provide warmth. 

Materials that are not allowed include household waste, tyres, furniture, mattresses, paint containers, solvent containers and residues, treated timber, wet vegetation and large volumes of green waste. If you see this happening call us immediately on 6581 8111

Step 3.Take a photo  

Take a photo or video for evidence so we can see the contents and estimated size of the materials being burnt. 

Step 4.Report the issue 

Include as much detail as possible when making your report.  

Residents on properties located in specific rural zones do not require Council approval to burn stockpiles of cut vegetation grown on their property, however you will still need to comply with the conditions in Council’s Control of Burning Policy. In addition, you may also require a fire permit from NSW Rural Fire ServiceThese zones include:

  • RU1 - Primary Production
  • RU2 - Rural Landscape
  • RU3 - Forestry
  • RU4 - Primary Production Small Lots
  • RU6 - Transition
  • R5 - Large Lot Residential

If you are not in any of these zones you will need to apply for an approval to burn dead or dry vegetation. A fee applies to this permit. If you live in a NSW Rural Fire Service district.

If you live within a NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) district, an additional permit is required during the bushfire danger periods. You can find your nearest fire station or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service to get the latest information. 

To save money on permit fees, we encourage residents to take their vegetation waste to one of our waste facilities or manage the disposal through their green organics waste bin.  

Note: Having a BBQ or contained campfire for recreational purposes does not require a permit.