Water Supply Services Policy and Recycled Water Services Policy (2023)

Adopted: 14 December 2023.

The Water Supply Services Policy outlines the responsibilities of Council and residents relating to the supply of water within our Local Government Area (LGA).

This Policy now incorporates the previously separate Water Supply Procedure, Water Supply Billing and Tariff Procedure and the Water Conservation and Drought Management Procedures.

The Policy includes most information relating to the supply of water, including outlining what works residents and plumbers can or cannot do, and those which require Council approval. It also outlines Council’s requirements and service levels for the community. The Policy also covers all costs and fee matters relating to the supply of water, including rebates and hardship applications.

The Recycled Water Services Policy details the specific uses and restrictions relating to the use of recycled water, as well as responsibilities of both Council and users for this water type. 

Policy Water Supply Services Policy 2023(PDF, 600KB)
Policy Recycled Water Policy Adopted(PDF, 394KB)