Community Grants

Information Session Get an overview of grant criteria and application essentials at the online 21 February 2025 information session.

Community Grants Program

Port Macquarie Hastings Council provides funding to local organisations to deliver events and projects that foster inclusive, connected, and vibrant communities.

Download the Funding Guideline to find out:

  • Who can apply
  • What types of projects are eligible
  • Supporting documents required for your application

Community Grant Funding Guide 2024-25(PDF, 7MB).

What Community Grants Support

We fund a range of initiatives, including:

  • Arts and cultural projects that celebrate creativity and heritage
  • Educational programs that enhance learning and skill-building
  • Local events that bring the community together
  • Projects addressing disadvantage to support equity and inclusion.


Diwali - Festival of Light
Hosted by the Mid North Coast Indian Association in November 2024

"Our vision was to share Diwali, this vibrant cultural experience, with the community. As a not-for-profit organisation, funding was our biggest hurdle. However, with the support of a Council Community Grant and other generous sponsors, we were able to bring the Town Green foreshore to life with cultural dance, music, food, and crafts."

Apply Today

If you have a vision for your community, we encourage you to apply for funding. Together, we can build a more inclusive and vibrant Port Macquarie Hastings.


The application form for Round 2 Community Grants will open on 24 February 2025.

Apply here


How to submit a grant acquittal

An Acquittal Form must be returned no longer than 60 days after the project is completed. Once the acquittal application has been assessed any remaining outstanding funds will be processed and paid.

Complete acquittal form



What are the priority funding areas?

Projects that align with our core objectives and priorities are eligible for funding. We are looking for initiatives that:

  • Support innovative community projects addressing local needs and benefiting the wider community.
  • Increase participation, accessibility, and the variety of community organisations for residents.
  • Enhance opportunities for artists, fostering a thriving and vibrant community.
  • Improve the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the local area through community-led initiatives.


Prioritising grants for Youth Week, Seniors Festival, Artwalk, disability access, community events, homelessness, volunteering and First Nations culture in the 2024-25 funding program.

For more information on our core objectives in the Community Inclusion Plan and Cultural Plan visit.

How much funding is available?

The total grant pool for the 2024-25 program is $200,000 worth of funding. The maximum grant amounts per category are:

  • Community Projects: Up to $15,000
  • Creative Community: Up to $10,000
  • Community Celebrations: Up to $7,000
  • Micro Grants: Up to $2,000.


Who can apply?

Eligible applicants include Incorporated Organisations and Associations or Registered not-for-profit (NFP) groups operating within the Port Macquarie Hastings local government area.

Organisations need an ABN and Public Liability Insurance of $20 million.

If you are not one of these types, see our FAQ - What is an auspice arrangement?

What is an auspice arrangement?

An auspice arrangement is when an unincorporated or independent group partners with an incorporated organisation to apply for a grant. In this setup, the Incorporated Organisation acts as the legal entity on behalf of the group, receiving the grant funding and taking responsibility for administering and acquitting the grant.

Although the group may carry out most of the project work, the Incorporated Organisation ensures that all financial and reporting obligations are met. This process can take time, so it’s important to start early. If you need help finding an eligible organisation to act as your auspice, contact the Community Activation Team for assistance.

What are the application dates?

  • Round 1:
    • Applications open: 01 September 2024
    • Applications close: 29 September 2024
    • Successful applicants announced: November 2024
  • Round 2:
    • Applications open: 24 February 2025
    • Applications close: 16 March 2025
    • Successful applicants announced: April 2025
  • Micro Grants: Applications are open year-round, subject to fund availability.


How are grants assessed?

All funding applications are assessed on merit through a competitive process. The elected Council awards the funding for Round 1 and Round 2 applications, while micro grants are determined by the Liveable Communities Group Manager.

Applicants must address all five of the following criteria in their application. Council will evaluate Eligible applications against merit criteria in order of relative importance as follows:



Demonstrated by

Demonstrated organisational capacity and capability to deliver the project


Detailing your experience and skills in delivering similar activities.

Risks for the project and appropriate mitigations.

Established community connections and partnerships.

Project addresses an unmet need or identified gap in the project location


Qualitative and quantitative data. Letters of support.

Project has a clear impact, and the outcomes are aligned to Council’s Plans (see ITEM 5.1 of Program Guideline)


A project scope that aligns to Community Inclusion Plan or Cultural Plan priority.

Outcomes and benefits that link to the activities proposed including detail on how success will be measured.

Represents value for money


Reasonable categories of expenditure

Quotes/cost estimates that are no older than 6 months for major cost items.



Results of focus groups / interviews, observational studies, community testimonials, surveys, questionnaires, statistical data and reports, and/or service usage data.

Council is the landowner, do I need their permission?

If your project involves construction, installation or upgrading a building, facility or equipment that is Council owned, leased or managed then you must provide a letter of consent with your application.


It is the applicant's responsibility to request a project consent letter from Council, it is not a part of the grant application process.  Requests can be lodged via our website at: Project Consent and Letter of Support

Example - Budget

Income Amount $ Expenditure Amount $

Council Grant

$7,500 Venue hire (10 weeks) $2,000
Organisation contribution $2,500 Flyers $200
Sponsorship $800 Banners $350
Professional artist
(facilitator, 10 weeks)
Art & craft materials $1,200
Catering $1,500
Prizes $1,000
Face painter $800
TOTAL $10,800 TOTAL $10,800

In-kind contribution Income $
Volunteer labour 6 helpers x 10hrs x $$37.17/hr $2230.20
Children's books 100 children's books, retailat $12 each $1,200
Media designer 4hrs x $30/hr $120
TOTAL $3,550.20

Example - Letter of Support

Community support is essential for your project’s success. A Letter of Support from a key community organisation shows that they consider your project important and are willing to be involved.

Include a Letter of Support with your application to demonstrate that you have discussed your project with important community members and have their backing.

What to Include:

  • Name, position, and organisation of the person writing the letter.
  • Name of your project.
  • Why the project is important for the community.
  • How the person or organisation will assist or be involved (e.g., providing volunteers, office space, promotion, etc.).
  • Why they believe your group can successfully deliver the project.

Example Letter of Support

8 February 2024

Community Grants Officer

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council

PO Box 21

Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Dear Grants Officer,

Re: Happy and Lucky Garden Group ‐ Autumn Harvest Festival

I am pleased to support the Happy and Lucky Garden Group’s grant application for the Autumn Harvest Festival. This project will provide Melton residents with valuable skills in growing, harvesting, and preparing fresh produce, fostering community engagement and healthy living.

As the manager of Small Seeds Garden Supplies, I have witnessed the group's positive impact on the community over the past three years. Our records show that the number of local gardeners purchasing supplies has increased by 25% annually since the group’s establishment. This growth demonstrates the community's rising interest in gardening and the importance of projects like the Autumn Harvest Festival.

The Autumn Harvest Festival is expected to attract over 200 residents, based on attendance at similar past events. Participants will benefit from hands-on gardening workshops, cooking demonstrations, and opportunities to share in the harvest. This event will not only teach practical skills but also strengthen community bonds and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Small Seeds Garden Supplies will support the event by providing free packets of seeds and seedlings to attendees. We are confident in the group's ability to deliver the festival successfully, as they did with the Kitchen Day event in September 2020, which attracted 50 residents and received excellent feedback.

In conclusion, we fully support the Happy and Lucky Garden Group’s funding request. This project will significantly enhance the health and wellbeing of Melton’s residents by fostering community engagement and promoting sustainable practices.

Yours faithfully,

Rose Vase Manager

Small Seeds Garden Supplies

I have received funding, how do I acknowledge Council?

All publicity and advertising material must acknowledge Port Macquarie Hastings Council by displaying our logo and/or naming us as a financial supporter / sponsor.

Invitations to the projects public activities should be extended to the Mayor, Councillors and the Community Grants Officer. 

What is required in grant acquittal?

All acquittals must be submitted within 30 days of a project being completed using our on-line form. You are required to provide Council with:

  • A minimum of two high-resolution photos of the project, with consent from individuals appearing in the images.
  • Copies of receipts in accordance with your submitted budget.
  • Quantitative and qualitative data. The community benefits arising from your project.  For example, the number of people who attended, new connections made (e.g., for youth), and other measurable impacts. The report must clearly outline how the project benefitted the community.
  • Copies of advertising and marketing of the activity.