Waste facility fees


Some of our waste facilities charge by weight, and others per load. There are also items that can be dropped off for free

All of our facilities accept cash, card and cheque (except for Comboyne which takes cash only). Be sure to check the facility opening hours before you visit.

Changes to bricks and concrete disposal as of 1 July 2024: 

Council has previously accepted brick and concrete waste at a lower price compared to mixed solid waste as it was able to be processed on site and recovered for reuse. Unfortunately, this process is no longer available to Council.

As a result, stockpiles onsite are increasing and causing issues for Council regarding compliance with facility licence conditions (under our Environment Protection Licence the total stockpiled quantity of this material type are not to exceed 10,000 T).

Due to this any bricks or concrete being disposed of now have to be disposed to landfill. The cost to do this is higher and it also attracts the waste levy fee Council is required to pay for all material disposed of to landfill.

The decreased fee for bricks and concrete has been removed until an alternative process is available, and until that time the charges for this material will be for that of mixed solid waste that is taken to landfill.

Council is currently working through how to manage the current stockpiles that are on site, and on an appropriate method for how to manage and process this waste moving forward.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 June 2024, Council adopted the Fees and Charges proposed for 24/25 FY, which included the removal of this fee. This has limited the time available to provide advance communication to the industry and customers for which we apologise.  

PMHC Brick and Concrete Fees(PDF, 56KB)

Port Macquarie waste transfer station

Fees at this facility are based on the weight of your load, not its size. The fee differs depending on what you’re dropping off:

  • General waste to landfill – $275 per tonne.
  • Green waste loads – $71 per tonne.

There are also costs for dropping off certain individual items. Here’s a summary of waste charges for Port Macquarie:

Item Cost
Transfer station waste $275.00 per tonne
Minimum charge $10.00
Green/Wood waste (No painted/treated timber, chip board or ply-wood) $71.00 per tonne
 Minimum charge  $5.00
Recyclable materials (Clean glass, paper cardboard, oil in drop-off area) FREE
Metals and white goods (clean and separated) FREE
Mattresses or mattress bases $30 each
Special waste (Subject to nature of the material & ability to receive) By negotiation
Tyres – motorcycle $5.50 each
Tyres – car $6.00 each
Tyres – car on rim $16.00 each
Tyres – 4x4 / light truck $12.00 each
Tyres – 4x4 / light truck on rim $31.00 each
Heavy truck $27.00 each
Heavy truck on rim $52.50 each
Super singles $58.50 each
Super singles on rim $120.00 each
Tractor – small/medium $66.00 each
Tractor – large $97.50 each
Other (tractor/earthmoving) By assessment

Comboyne, Kew and Wauchope transfer stations

These three waste transfer stations are for household loads only. Fees at these facilities are calculated per load, and there are also costs for some individual items. Here’s a summary of fees for taking rubbish to one of these locations: 

Dropped off by residents:

Item Cost
Recyclable materials (Clean glass, paper cardboard, oil in drop-off area) FREE
Metals and white goods FREE
General waste – car, station wagon $14.00 per load
General waste – passenger vans, utilities, small trailers (max 8 x 5 no side extensions) $22.00 per load
General waste – large trailers or trailers with side extensions, vans & 1 ton utilities $37.00 per load
Green waste – car, station wagon* $11.00 per load
Green waste – passenger vans, utilities, small trailers (max 8 x 5 no side extensions)* $17.00 per load
Green waste – large trailers or trailers with side extensions, vans & 1 ton utilities* $30.00 per load
All mattresses $30.00 each
Tyres – motorcycle $5.00 each
Tyres – car $6.00 each
Tyres – Car on rim $17.00 each
Tyres – 4x4 / light truck $12.00 each
Tyres – light truck 4x4 on rim $31.00 each


Dropped off by commercial operators:

Item Cost
General waste – car, station wagon $91.00 each
General waste – passenger vans, utilities, small trailers (max 8 x 5 no side extensions) $91.00 per load
Green waste – car, station wagon* $28.00 each
Green waste – passenger vans, utilities, small trailers (max 8 x 5 no side extensions)* $27.00 per load

*No painted/treated timber, chip board or ply-wood.

Cairncross Waste Management Facility

Here’s a summary of costs for this dropping off waste at this facility:

Item Cost
Transfer bin waste $275.50 per tonne (minimum charge $10)
Mattresses or mattress bases $30.00 each
Building waste (land fill) $275.50 per tonne
Asbestos $440.00 per tonne
Mixed solid waste $275.50 per tonne
Approved clean fill $110.00 per tonne
 Approved VENM/ENM clay  $0.00 per tonne
Green / wood waste (No painted/treated timber, chip board or plywood) $71.00 per tonne (minimum charge $5.00)


Tyres – motorcycle $5.50 each
Tyres – car $6.00 each
Tyres – car on rim $17.00 each
Tyres –light truck/4x4 $12.00 each
Tyres – light truck/4x4 on rim $32.00 each
Tyres – heavy truck $27.00 each
Tyres – heavy truck on rim $52.50 each
Tyres – super singles $58.50 each
Tyres – super singles on rim $120.00 each
Tyres – tractor (Small/Medium) $66.00 each
Tyres – tractors (Large) $97.50 each
Tyres – other tractor (earth moving) By assessment
Animals – small domestic $14.00 each
Animals – small livestock (sheep, goat, calf etc) $48.00 each
Animals – large livestock (cattle, horse etc) $75.00 each
Special wastes – subject to the nature of the material and ability to receive By negotiation
Recyclable materials – clean glass, paper, cardboard, oil in drop off area FREE
Metal and white goods FREE

This facility also has the following items for sale:

Item Cost

Recycled crushed concrete aggregate - 40mm minus


Price on Application

Recycled crushed concrete aggregate - 80mm


Price on Application

For the requirements relating to the purchase of concrete, refer to:

NOTE: The above products comply with and can only be used for activities outlined by the Environmental Protection Authority in the recovered aggregate exemption 2014 NSW.