The NSW Government is banning some plastic items in two stages over the course of this year, to combat almost 2.7 billion items of plastic litter from entering our environment in NSW over the next 20 years.
Stage 1
From 1 June 2022, the first stage of the ban began. Remember to pack your reusable shopping bags when you go to the shops as plastic shopping bags are now a thing of the past. All lightweight plastic shopping bags of 35 microns thick or less, including compostable or bioplastic alternatives can no longer be supplied by businesses.
The ban doesn't apply to:
- thicker plastic bags (like those from major supermarkets)
- barrier bags such as produce and deli bags
- bin liners and compost caddy liners
- nappy bags and pet waste bags.
Stage 2
The second stage will be in place from 1 November 2022. Exemptions will apply in certain settings to allow the supply of single-use plastic straws to people with a disability or medical need.
Items banned from this date will include:
- plastic single-use straws
- plastic single-use stirrers
- plastic single-use cutlery (spoons, forks, knives, sporks, chopsticks - any utensil used for consuming food)
- plastic single-use plates and bowls
- plastic single-use cotton buds and plastic microbeads in rinse off personal hygiene products (exfoliating beads)
- expanded polystyrene foodware including bowls, cups, clamshell containers and plates, or any plastic itm made in whole or part of expanded polystyrene used to serve food or beverages.
You can find more information about the ban by visiting the NSW Department of Planning and Environment's website.