Over many years, we have been working with the community to explore a feasible option to manage the potential coastal erosion risk to private and public infrastructure at Illaroo Road. This has involved coastal hazard studies, options assessments, extensive community engagement and collaboration on our forward plans.
In 2021, we engaged Rhelm and Bluecoast to carry out a co-design process to develop a reasonable, feasible and achievable solution. The findings of the report were considered at the October 2022 Ordinary Council meeting.
Council unanimously resolved to:
- Note the findings of the Illaroo Road coastal protection options review and co-design project undertaken by Rhelm and Bluecoast Consulting
- Note that all coastal protection options identified remain available, including a high crested revetment wall, low crested revetment wall, artificial reef and groynes
- Continue to progress short term mitigation measures for coastal erosion adjacent to Illaroo Road, including sand nourishment and stormwater protection measures and, undertake emergency works as necessary should damage to stormwater and road assets occur
- Advise people who participated in the co-design process or made submissions to this process of Council’s determination and develop community information to keep the community informed.
We are committed to finding a sustainable long-term solution for the coastal erosion issue through the Coastal Management Plan, and to providing short term and emergency mitigation works to provide certainty that ongoing protection and access to properties will be maintained.
The results of the co-design project will be built on in the development of the Coastal Management Plan through broader community engagement.
View the final report and the associated attachments below.
Council completed emergency protection works around the stormwater outlet off the southern end of Illaroo Road in April 2023. The works involved upgrades to the stormwater outlet, the installation of over 50 four tonne rock bags, sand nourishment of the upper dune profile and revegetation works. The works provide addition protection to both stormwater and road infrastructure.
Council has a DA that allows dredging of lower Cathie Creek. In 2021, Council amended its DA to include a Coastal Hazard trigger. This allows Council to dredge material from lower Cathie Creek to nourish the beach adjacent to Illaroo Road. The nourishment of the depleted beach with dredged material provides additional short to medium term protection to public and private assets along Illaroo Road.